Mannings Heath Tee Sheet

Round 2 - Fri, August 18

Clutch Pro Tour / The Leatherhaed
Time Players
Clutch Pro Tour
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Aaron Harper
11:02 AM The Leatherhaed Ellis Muckley + Timothy Harry
Aaron Peacock
8:50 AM The Leatherhaed Dylan Green + Harry Walch
Adam Forster
11:46 AM The Leatherhaed Marcus Brigham + Nathan Longley
Adam Harris
11:35 AM The Leatherhaed James Biggs + Will Percival
Adam Sowton
11:13 AM The Leatherhaed Alex Walker + Ollie Brimfield
Adam Webb
7:33 AM The Leatherhaed Neil Bell + Paul Dunton
Adam Winter
12:30 PM The Leatherhaed Oliver Sullivan + Thomas Spreadborough
Alex Annetts
7:55 AM The Leatherhaed Michael Bullen + Will Kent
Alex Walker
11:13 AM The Leatherhaed Adam Sowton + Ollie Brimfield
Alfie Simpson
9:23 AM The Leatherhaed Dan Magee + George Avgousti
Barnes Wallis
10:51 AM The Leatherhaed Nya Fraser-Lawrence + Samuel Byford
Ben Woodward
1:25 PM The Leatherhaed Harry Oddy + Jack Slater
Benjamin Hallam
9:01 AM The Leatherhaed Oliver Pritchard-Braund + Sean Fromme
Benjamin Martin
1:14 PM The Leatherhaed George Goddard + Owen Benson
Billy McKenzie
10:29 AM The Leatherhaed Conor Cull + Jack Malone
Billy Spooner
11:24 AM The Leatherhaed Brad Cox + Dylan Macqueen
Brad Cox
11:24 AM The Leatherhaed Billy Spooner + Dylan Macqueen
Callum Knight
7:00 AM The Leatherhaed Lloyd Osagie + Scott Whyley
Callum Pipe
8:39 AM The Leatherhaed Tommy Bruley + William O’Halloran
Callum.D Mackay
2:20 PM The Leatherhaed Liam Murray + Piers Berrington
Cameron Lombard
9:56 AM The Leatherhaed Christopher Fan + Tariq Luigi
Carter Rowe
9:45 AM The Leatherhaed Jack Holland + Simon Cuthbert
Charlie Strickland
1:03 PM The Leatherhaed Liam Phipps + Monty Scowsill
Chris Gane
1:58 PM The Leatherhaed Jack Gaunt + Thomas Froom
Christopher Fan
9:56 AM The Leatherhaed Cameron Lombard + Tariq Luigi
Connor Worsdall
12:19 PM The Leatherhaed Olly Huggins + Owen Grimes
Conor Cull
10:29 AM The Leatherhaed Billy McKenzie + Jack Malone
Conor White
12:08 PM The Leatherhaed Corey Neville + Ryan Harmer
Corey Neville
12:08 PM The Leatherhaed Conor White + Ryan Harmer
Craig Hinton
12:41 PM The Leatherhaed Henry Spring + Jack Cope
Dan Magee
9:23 AM The Leatherhaed Alfie Simpson + George Avgousti
Daniel Smith
2:31 PM The Leatherhaed Rhys Nevin + Warren Bates
Daniel Garner
8:06 AM The Leatherhaed Dylan Shepherd + Jake Antoun
Daniel Swales
12:52 PM The Leatherhaed Lewis Harrison + Ryan Craig
Dylan Green
8:50 AM The Leatherhaed Aaron Peacock + Harry Walch
Dylan Macqueen
11:24 AM The Leatherhaed Billy Spooner + Brad Cox
Dylan Shepherd
8:06 AM The Leatherhaed Daniel Garner + Jake Antoun
Elliot Bourke
7:11 AM The Leatherhaed Lewis Beer + Lucas Hechler
Ellis Muckley
11:02 AM The Leatherhaed Aaron Harper + Timothy Harry
Gary King
1:47 PM The Leatherhaed Gyu Lee + Nick McCarthy
George Avgousti
9:23 AM The Leatherhaed Alfie Simpson + Dan Magee
George Goddard
1:14 PM The Leatherhaed Benjamin Martin + Owen Benson
George Kent
7:22 AM The Leatherhaed Rhys Williams + luke spooner
Gyu Lee
1:47 PM The Leatherhaed Gary King + Nick McCarthy
Harrison Linney
10:18 AM The Leatherhaed Jon Poulton + Ollie Porteous
Harry Oddy
1:25 PM The Leatherhaed Ben Woodward + Jack Slater
Harry Walch
8:50 AM The Leatherhaed Aaron Peacock + Dylan Green
Henry Spring
12:41 PM The Leatherhaed Craig Hinton + Jack Cope
Hunter Howell
10:40 AM The Leatherhaed Jake Sage + Oliver Chesterman
Jack Cope
12:41 PM The Leatherhaed Craig Hinton + Henry Spring
Jack Gaunt
1:58 PM The Leatherhaed Chris Gane + Thomas Froom
Jack Holland
9:45 AM The Leatherhaed Carter Rowe + Simon Cuthbert
Jack Malone
10:29 AM The Leatherhaed Billy McKenzie + Conor Cull
Jack Slater
1:25 PM The Leatherhaed Ben Woodward + Harry Oddy
Jacob Harrington-Wara
11:57 AM The Leatherhaed Luke Hodgetts + Russell Chrystie
Jacob Hassan
1:36 PM The Leatherhaed Reece Samson + Sam Hessian
Jaden Hanson
8:28 AM The Leatherhaed James Palmer + Narendra Yonjan
Jake Antoun
8:06 AM The Leatherhaed Daniel Garner + Dylan Shepherd
Jake Sage
10:40 AM The Leatherhaed Hunter Howell + Oliver Chesterman
James Biggs
11:35 AM The Leatherhaed Adam Harris + Will Percival
James Draisey
7:44 AM The Leatherhaed Kenny Thompson + Michael Rush
James Palmer
8:28 AM The Leatherhaed Jaden Hanson + Narendra Yonjan
Jason McGuinness
9:34 AM The Leatherhaed Matthew Downes + Tom Hatton
Jayden Tucknott
8:17 AM The Leatherhaed Matthew Jacques + Nikhil Mohan
Jon Poulton
10:18 AM The Leatherhaed Harrison Linney + Ollie Porteous
Kenny Thompson
7:44 AM The Leatherhaed James Draisey + Michael Rush
Kris Farren
9:12 AM The Leatherhaed Markus Braadlie + Sam Merson
Lewis Harrison
12:52 PM The Leatherhaed Daniel Swales + Ryan Craig
Lewis Beer
7:11 AM The Leatherhaed Elliot Bourke + Lucas Hechler
Lewis Stalley
10:07 AM The Leatherhaed Nicholas Adams + Will Poole
Liam Murray
2:20 PM The Leatherhaed Callum.D Mackay + Piers Berrington
Liam Phipps
1:03 PM The Leatherhaed Charlie Strickland + Monty Scowsill
Lloyd Osagie
7:00 AM The Leatherhaed Callum Knight + Scott Whyley
Lucas Hechler
7:11 AM The Leatherhaed Elliot Bourke + Lewis Beer
Luke Hodgetts
11:57 AM The Leatherhaed Jacob Harrington-Wara + Russell Chrystie
Marcus Brigham
11:46 AM The Leatherhaed Adam Forster + Nathan Longley
Markus Braadlie
9:12 AM The Leatherhaed Kris Farren + Sam Merson
Matthew Downes
9:34 AM The Leatherhaed Jason McGuinness + Tom Hatton
Matthew Jacques
8:17 AM The Leatherhaed Jayden Tucknott + Nikhil Mohan
Max Orrin
2:09 PM The Leatherhaed Ollie White + Robin Wells
Michael Bullen
7:55 AM The Leatherhaed Alex Annetts + Will Kent
Michael Rush
7:44 AM The Leatherhaed James Draisey + Kenny Thompson
Monty Scowsill
1:03 PM The Leatherhaed Charlie Strickland + Liam Phipps
Narendra Yonjan
8:28 AM The Leatherhaed Jaden Hanson + James Palmer
Nathan Longley
11:46 AM The Leatherhaed Adam Forster + Marcus Brigham
Neil Bell
7:33 AM The Leatherhaed Adam Webb + Paul Dunton
Nicholas Adams
10:07 AM The Leatherhaed Lewis Stalley + Will Poole
Nick McCarthy
1:47 PM The Leatherhaed Gary King + Gyu Lee
Nikhil Mohan
8:17 AM The Leatherhaed Jayden Tucknott + Matthew Jacques
Nya Fraser-Lawrence
10:51 AM The Leatherhaed Barnes Wallis + Samuel Byford
Oliver Chesterman
10:40 AM The Leatherhaed Hunter Howell + Jake Sage
Oliver Pritchard-Braund
9:01 AM The Leatherhaed Benjamin Hallam + Sean Fromme
Oliver Sullivan
12:30 PM The Leatherhaed Adam Winter + Thomas Spreadborough
Ollie Porteous
10:18 AM The Leatherhaed Harrison Linney + Jon Poulton
Ollie Brimfield
11:13 AM The Leatherhaed Adam Sowton + Alex Walker
Ollie White
2:09 PM The Leatherhaed Max Orrin + Robin Wells
Olly Huggins
12:19 PM The Leatherhaed Connor Worsdall + Owen Grimes
Owen Benson
1:14 PM The Leatherhaed Benjamin Martin + George Goddard
Owen Grimes
12:19 PM The Leatherhaed Connor Worsdall + Olly Huggins
Paul Dunton
7:33 AM The Leatherhaed Adam Webb + Neil Bell
Piers Berrington
2:20 PM The Leatherhaed Callum.D Mackay + Liam Murray
Reece Samson
1:36 PM The Leatherhaed Jacob Hassan + Sam Hessian
Rhys Nevin
2:31 PM The Leatherhaed Daniel Smith + Warren Bates
Rhys Williams
7:22 AM The Leatherhaed George Kent + luke spooner
Robin Wells
2:09 PM The Leatherhaed Max Orrin + Ollie White
Russell Chrystie
11:57 AM The Leatherhaed Jacob Harrington-Wara + Luke Hodgetts
Ryan Craig
12:52 PM The Leatherhaed Daniel Swales + Lewis Harrison
Ryan Harmer
12:08 PM The Leatherhaed Conor White + Corey Neville
Sam Hessian
1:36 PM The Leatherhaed Jacob Hassan + Reece Samson
Sam Merson
9:12 AM The Leatherhaed Kris Farren + Markus Braadlie
Samuel Byford
10:51 AM The Leatherhaed Barnes Wallis + Nya Fraser-Lawrence
Scott Whyley
7:00 AM The Leatherhaed Callum Knight + Lloyd Osagie
Sean Fromme
9:01 AM The Leatherhaed Benjamin Hallam + Oliver Pritchard-Braund
Simon Cuthbert
9:45 AM The Leatherhaed Carter Rowe + Jack Holland
Tariq Luigi
9:56 AM The Leatherhaed Cameron Lombard + Christopher Fan
Thomas Froom
1:58 PM The Leatherhaed Chris Gane + Jack Gaunt
Thomas Spreadborough
12:30 PM The Leatherhaed Adam Winter + Oliver Sullivan
Timothy Harry
11:02 AM The Leatherhaed Aaron Harper + Ellis Muckley
Tom Hatton
9:34 AM The Leatherhaed Jason McGuinness + Matthew Downes
Tommy Bruley
8:39 AM The Leatherhaed Callum Pipe + William O’Halloran
Warren Bates
2:31 PM The Leatherhaed Daniel Smith + Rhys Nevin
Will Kent
7:55 AM The Leatherhaed Alex Annetts + Michael Bullen
Will Percival
11:35 AM The Leatherhaed Adam Harris + James Biggs
Will Poole
10:07 AM The Leatherhaed Lewis Stalley + Nicholas Adams
William O’Halloran
8:39 AM The Leatherhaed Callum Pipe + Tommy Bruley
luke spooner
7:22 AM The Leatherhaed George Kent + Rhys Williams